Frequently Asked Questions

To vote, simply navigate to the "Vote Now" section of our website and follow the instructions provided. You'll be prompted to select your preferred nominee/You will then type in your nominee for the relevant peoples choice award in each category and submit your votes.
Voting is open to the public.
Our voting system only allows for one vote per user per category to ensure fairness and accuracy in the voting process. Attempting to vote multiple times may result in disqualification.
Winners are determined based on the number of votes received during the voting period. The nominee with the highest number of votes in each category will be declared the winner.
The winners will be announced during the award ceremony which will take place after the voting period has ended. The exact date and time of the ceremony will be communicated through our website and official communication channels.
No, there is no limit to the number of categories you can vote in. You are free to vote in as many categories as you wish.
Once you have submitted your vote, it is not possible to change it. We encourage users to review their selections carefully before submitting their votes to ensure accuracy.
Upon submitting your vote, you may receive a confirmation message acknowledging receipt of your vote. Additionally, the voting results will be tallied and announced publicly after the voting period has ended.
In the event of a tie, additional measures may be taken to determine the winner, such as a tie-breaking vote by a panel of judges or a runoff vote between the tied nominees. The specific procedure will be outlined in the event of a tie.
If you encounter any technical issues or require assistance with the voting platform, please contact our technical support team at We are here to help resolve any issues you may encounter.